Welcome to Coychurch Lower Community Council Website

The majority of Coychurch village is situated within a triangular area, bound by the Swansea to Paddington railway track on the northern edge, the A473 by-pass on the southern side, and finally the B4181 to the west end of the village. The village has some extremely old buildings, including the 17th Century St Crallo's church. The village extends beyond the railway line to encompass houses, businesses and farms to the north. The community council also serves the hamlets of Waterton and Brocastle and contains 2 industrial estates and a retail park.


Mae'r rhan fwyaf o bentref Llangrallo wedi'i leoli o fewn ardal drionglog, wedi'i ffinio â thrac rheilffordd Abertawe i Paddington ar ymyl y gogledd, ffordd osgoi'r A473 ar yr ochr ddeheuol, ac yn olaf y B4181 i ben gorllewinol y pentref. Mae gan y pentref rai adeiladau hen iawn, gan gynnwys eglwys Sant Crallo o'r 17eg Ganrif. Mae'r pentref yn ymestyn y tu hwnt i'r rheilffordd i gynnwys tai, busnesau a ffermydd i'r gogledd. Mae'r cyngor cymuned hefyd yn gwasanaethu pentrefan waterton a Brocastell ac mae'n cynnwys 2 ystad ddiwydiannol a pharc manwerthu. 

If you have any suggestions concerning this website please contact the website administrator, Mabyn Thomas
Os oes gennych unrhyw awgrymiadau ynghylch y wefan hon, cysylltwch â gweinyddwr y wefan, Mabyn Thomas 

Latest News

Annual Report 2023-24

Published: 2 Jul 24

A short summary of what the council was doing in the financial year 2023-2024 Read More...


Published: 14 Jun 24

Update on the occupation of the field by members of the traveller community Read More...

Exercise of Electors Rights Notice

Published: 11 Jun 24

Notice of the times when the Community Council's accounts can be viewed by electors. Read More...