External Audit of Accounts
Published: 06 November 2023
We have received the external auditors report for the accounts of April 2022 - March 2023.
The auditing of community council accounts by Audit Wales is on a 3-year cycle. For 2 years the approach to sample the receipts and payments to check that the records are accurate and the accounts match the amounts in bank accounts. The third year audit is much more in-depth. It checks not only the payments and receipts and accuracy of the records but also the procedures followed by the council to mange / monitor / control the money entrusted to it.
This year it was our turn for an in-depth audit to review of the council's spending and the processes in place for controlling how the public money is managed. The external auditor has found no cause for concern and has not raised any issues for improvement or change. If you wish to view the completed Accounting Statement go to the Finance tab and select Accounting Statements 2022-23.