Beehive Planters

Published: 17 June 2020

5 Tier Beehive PlanterTwo of these have appeared in Coychurch village – at the east end by the slip road to the A473 and outside the Main Road entrance to the Play Park.

Weather permitting they will be filled with compost and planted up by the end of the week but if the weather turns too difficult they will be completed next week by Dean from ADM Nurseries in Heol y Cyw.

These are the second step in the Community Council’s programme to enhance the look of the village. The first step was the planting of the 3 beds by Dean (2 at Meadow Close and 1 by the stream) with summer bedding around existing shrubs. He will also be planting the raised triangular bed by the play park entrance with shrubs/evergreens in the next week or two.

Also in the next week or so, the beehive planters will be followed by matching post mounted planters on 20 lampposts along Main Road in Coychurch and 4 planters on lampposts in Waterton Close at the west end of Coychurch Lower ward.

Further improvements have been made with a new bench and a repaired bench at the entrance to Meadow Close and a new bench has been purchased to be placed near the Main Road entrance to the play park. Thanks to Councillor Robert Hyde for repairing the bench.

At the Williams Memorial Hall the plant pots and wall baskets have been topped up and are starting to bloom.

Thanks are sent to those in properties along Main Road who have also put up colourful baskets and pots. Together, the walk through the village will be enhanced for everyone this summer,